“Whenever you see me somewhere succeeding in one area of my life that almost certainly means I am failing in another!”
Truth, Shonda Rhimes
The reason I launched my business is because I truly didn’t want people to feel alone in their stories.
Every day, I hear some version of this:
✅ “Taking care of myself is challenging”
✅ “Eating healthy food requires food prep”
✅ “I can’t always eat the way I should” or “I don’t want to”
✅ “How do I find time to exercise?”
✅ “My spouse and I haven’t been intimate in months (or years)”
✅ “We sleep in separate beds because we have different habits (one snores)”
✅ “I need my vices otherwise my life is boring”
✅ “My stress is out of control and I have NO idea how to manage it”
✅ “Meditate? WHEN?”
✅ “Once _____ is over, THEN I can prioritize my health”
Guess what?
ALL of these statements are true.
And succeeding in one area of your life does mean you MAY fail in another area, and we’re not talking enough about that.
Social media has most of us thinking that everyone else has the secret to doing it all or having it all.
I am here to tell you that life is hard and it’s not because you’re doing it wrong- you are doing it right, it’s just hard.
So if you need a reminder today that if you could be doing it better you would . . . Here it is!
You’re not meant to do this life alone so feel free to reach out for help and comment below 👇 what is challenging in your life if you want to help others feel less alone.
Xx Lauren