Honest Admission: I Lived in a Perfect Prison for a Long Time

I was striving for:

✔️ The perfect job
✔️ The perfect relationship
✔️ The perfect house
✔️ The perfect body

I also was afraid to make a mistake on the road to attainment, so I stayed put. I lived in NYC longer than I wanted to, stayed too long in fashion publishing, and extended relationships far past their expiration dates.

Here’s the truth: perfect doesn’t exist. And pretending it does can keep you from making changes that will lead you to where you really want to be.

Have you ever seen a perfect tree? There isn’t one. Search the forest: they lean, they have gnarled trunks, broken branches or are covered in moss.

While perfect doesn’t exist, BRAVERY does. It means, “ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.” It may also mean willing to make an error. Because if you never try, you’ll never know.

I didn’t want to be a coach until I felt I could do it perfectly. The problem is the only way for me to get better at it was by doing it. That meant being brave and taking a chance. It was scary but it beat the alternative: continuing to work at a job I didn’t love.

It’s like riding a bicycle. There’s no manual, you get on, maybe fall off, adjust as you go, and before you know it, you get better at it (not perfect, just better). And that’s good enough.

Progress NOT perfection! Let’s inspire each other to be brave not perfect. Comment below if you agree.

Xx Lauren

Taylor Leigh

Taylor is a freelance Squarespace web designer based in Los Angeles.


Being a woman in her 50s is awesome, in so many ways, but confusing in others.


I’m My Clients’ Biggest Cheerleader