Hi, it’s me, I am the problem, it’s me.
Thank you T-Swift for those amazing words that resonate so deeply with me.
My whole life I thought everyone’s job, including mine, was to fix each other. After all, our parents told us how we should live our lives.
They also told us “it’s my job as your mom (or dad) to give you advice how to live your life.”
You can imagine how surprised I was when I learned that many fellowships believe that what other people think and do is none of my business.
Then, when do I give advice?
If I believe a friend or relative has a drinking problem? Or is dating someone toxic? Or they are overweight? Or not taking care of themselves?
Nope! If they don’t ask, it’s not up to me to deprive anyone of their journey, or their bottom!
This is the fun part!
Everything inside your hula hoop. Here are more than a few:
✅ How you take care of your physical body
✅ How you tend to your mind
✅ How you rest
✅ How often you go to the gym
✅ How often you meditate
✅ How you downregulate in the evening
✅ Your relationship to technology
✅ What you eat / drink
✅ How you feel or stuff your feelings
✅ How you love the people who are important to you
✅ How you talk to yourself
✅ Whether you respond or react in any given situation
✅ The stories you tell yourself
Even more fun and fulfilling is working on any of this. It’s all that’s in your control.
You can spend your time on OPP (other people’s problems) or you can learn how to take great care of yourself.
So which is it?
DM me if it’s the latter. I am taking a few new clients this summer.
Control the controllables! Life is more rewarding that way,
Xx Lauren