Why Diets Suck and the Simple Solution to Losing Weight
…(and Getting Healthy!)
A diet is NOT a permanent solution; it is actually the opposite. Just ask the dictionary, which defines a diet as “a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons”.
The problem is that no diet is sustainable for more than a few hours or days, or at most a short season. We end up losing some weight over a few months, and then put it back on a few months later. It’s the diet yo-yo we’ve all experienced. So the real question is: do you want to be temporarily healthy? Or do you want to lead a healthy lifestyle?
What do most people do after they run the course on the latest diet craze (Keto, Paleo, Atkins, Whole 30, etc)? They go back to eating the same way they ate before--they return to their comfort zone. Then they find themselves back where they started, or even a step behind. Because as we age, our metabolic rate slows down, as does our physical activity -- meaning we gain weight faster.
Here’s the TRUTH: Diets make you FAT!
...and they aren’t your friend. In fact, these little enemies have only existed for the last 60 or so years. Can you imagine your great grandmother talking about “her diet”?
The reality is that diets are a temporary solution to a systemic problem. We have wandered far from our origins--and so has our health. We need to heal not just the planet but ourselves. Consider:
🛑 We spend more than 90% of our time indoors or in cars
🛑 Nine out of 10 of us aren’t eating enough veggies or fruit
🛑 More than half of our food comes out of a bag or box
🛑 Over one-third of us aren’t getting the sleep our bodies and minds need
The solution is simple - and looks like this:
✅ Eat foods in their original form
✅ Significantly reduce sugar and processed foods
✅ Drink more water and less alcohol
✅ Move your body
✅ Sleep 8 hours a night
While it’s simple, it’s not always easy. The good news: I am here to help. Reach out to me at lauren@laurenfisherhealthcoaching.com for a complimentary 20-minute health assessment.
Because you don’t want a temporary solution, you want a better lifestyle.
Xx Lauren