I got divorced, moved across the country, went back to school, quit my job and started my own business – all in my late 40’s.

I knew I wasn’t really happy for some time before I admitted it to myself. And I knew I was the only one who could do something about it.

Even as I had a successful career in publishing, I was aware, it wasn’t my calling.

I knew my BUSY life in NYC going from box to box with zero sunlight wasn’t working.

I had to make a change!

Was it SCARY? It was TERRIFYING. But you know what’s scarier? REGRET.

When we do something we’ve never done before, we can only see and know what we are going to lose. When I quit my job, I knew I wouldn’t have a salary or health insurance. I had no idea what I would gain.

When I launched my Health Coaching business, I didn’t know if it was going to work; and if I was swayed by other people’s fears I would have assumed it wouldn’t have.

But it did work. And now I have the privilege every day to teach people how to change their relationship with food, shift how they think about exercise and become more mindful in all aspects of their lives.

Not every leap has to be off a 100-foot cliff.

There’s no guarantee that if you follow your dreams you’ll succeed. But I know for sure that IF YOU DON’T TRY, YOU’LL NEVER KNOW!

Xx Lauren

Taylor Leigh

Taylor is a freelance Squarespace web designer based in Los Angeles.


Did you know the tobacco companies bought the food companies?